You can search products by using the search bar at the top of our website. Finding and adding items to your basket is easy.
Searching for an item
Using the search bar at the top of the page you can find the items you are looking for by using either the item code, brand name, keyword or a description then click search. This will show all items relevant to your search.
Browsing for an item
You can also browse items, this can be done by using the main menu bar which you will find at the top of every page of the website.
By hovering over the department name you will be shown a drop-down menu with the list of a range of categories available in that department. Clicking on any of the categories or departments link you will be shown the relevant items for you.
Other departments can be chosen by using the Shop by Department menu which is found on the left hand side of the website eg: Computing or Office Furniture.