Existing customers
If you have already registered an account with us, you can log in using the ‘Log in/ Register’ button in the top right corner of the website. Once you’re logged in you’ll have access to tools such as past orders, your favourites and saved printers. All of these tools will help you to find products that you have ordered previously and more regularly.
New customers
If you’re new to our website, you’ll need to decide whether you would like to pay by credit/ debit card, by Paypal or pay by invoice on a credit account.
If you would like to pay by credit/ debit card or by Paypal, simply select this option once you’re at checkout and proceed to enter the relevant details.
Business Account
If, however, you are a business and would like to pay by invoice on a credit account, you will first need to complete a credit request form so we can run a couple of checks to ensure we can offer this facility to you.
To obtain one of these forms, you can either call us, email us or fill out the online form in the log in/ register section and select ‘I would like a 30 day credit account’. You will then receive an automated email with the form attached. Please complete this form and return it to us.
Once your account has been approved and set up, you will need to log in using the provided details in order to have the ‘Pay on Account’ option available at checkout.
After selecting ‘Pay on Account’ your order will be processed and shipped and an invoice will be emailed within a few days.