Discount vouchers and free gift vouchers can be redeemed during the checkout process whilst viewing your shopping basket.
On the right hand side of the shopping basket page you will find your 'Order Summary'. This shows you your Subtotal, delivery options, VAT and Total. Below, you will find 2 boxes, 1 to add an option customer order number, and the other to enter a discount code.
Once you have entered a discount/ free gift code, the green bars above and below that say 'Proceed to Secure Payment', will change colour and now read 'Update Basket'. You will need to click 'Update Basket' for the voucher to be applied.
Once the voucher has been applied, any discounts will show in your order summary, and any free gifts will now show in your basket product list.
Please note: Only one voucher or discount code can be used on one transaction.