There are a number of different types of shredders which can make shopping for one a bit tricky. Here at Office Stationery we like to make your life easier so we have put together this quick helpful guide to make things clearer for you.
Cutting types-
Strip Cut- Strip Cut shredders have a lower security level as the shredded pieces can be quite large. These shredders are ideal for home use of any general documentation.
Cross Cut- Cross Cut shredders are the most common and create smaller shreddings with a higher security level. These are ideal to be used in most home and office environments.
Micro Cut- Micro Cut shredders are similar to cross cut and generally have the highest security level and are safe to use for disposing of documents containing the most private information.
It is also important to really take into account the amount of shredding you will require the machine to do. How often will the shredder be used? How many sheets will need to be shredded at one time? How many people will be using the shredder?
It is very common for small to medium sized offices to purchase an entry level shredder that is designed for home use. These home use/ personal sized shredders may take up to 6 sheets of paper at one time, however are only designed to be used for short spurts of shredding once or twice a day and therefore cannot cope with multiple users and the workload of an office environment.
View all our paper shredders here