If you have ordered the wrong item, you should contact us at the earliest convenient time.
Before order processed
If your order has only recently been placed and not yet been processed (normally orders are processed within the first hour of you placing it), we will be able to help you to amend your order and change the incorrect product for the correct one.
Item shipped but before delivery
If however your order has already been processed, we will be unable to change the incorrect product. We will ask that you refuse delivery of this item. This product will be returned to us and a refund will be processed once the item is received back at our warehouse. We do not offer an exchange process, therefore you would need to place a new order for the correct item and this will be shipped our separately.
After delivery
If you have already received your order with the incorrect item, after notifying us we will go through your options to return this. You may be required to return this item to us and cover any return postage costs. A refund will be processed once the item is received back at our warehouse. We do not offer an exchange process, therefore you would need to place a new order for the correct item and this will be shipped our separately.
Please note that all returns must be in the manufacturers original packaging and in an unused and unopened re-saleable condition.
We are unable to accept returns for food and drink items, or for bespoke or special order goods.